The 90/10 Rule by Andi Brandon

Posted: February 22, 2015 by sarammiller in Culture, God
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For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. —1 Samuel 16:7

As I was reading online, trying to figure out what to write about, I came across an article that talked about icebergs…yes, icebergs. Did you know, because I didn’t, that the part of the iceberg that we can see makes up only about ten percent of the entire iceberg. That means that the other ninety percent (90%!) is unseen because it is under the water.

What does that have to do with you? Ten percent of who you are–your clothes, car, appearance–is what the world sees. But what about that other ninety percent? The truth is, the overwhelming majority of who you are as a person, is the part that God sees–your heart. God is not impressed by the latest trends. He’s not concerned about whether or not you drive the fastest or flashiest car or the symbol on your tennis shoes, God is concerned with your heart.

Are you devoting more time to the 90 or the 10?

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